Walt Minnick has become a hero to white nationalists. With his continuing descent into bigotry, using his first "Willie Horton" ad as just a warm up to his most recent "Willie Horton" ad (which even the Libertarian Republican calls "nasty" and on par with Sharron Angle's ad), white nationalists are praising Walt Minnick for his "patriotism."
The latest evidence appears at the white nationalist website VDARE.com, described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "an anti-immigration hate website" which "also regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites." It would be hard to argue with the SPLC assessment after reading some of VDARE's material. Witness this excerpt from a July 21, 2003 post by Sam Francis entitled, "Abolishing America, Cont’d: Mexicans Want Reparations Too":
"America was defined — almost explicitly, sometimes very explicitly — as a white nation, for white people, and what that means is that there is virtually no figure, no law, no policy, no event in the history of the old, white America that can survive the transition to the new and non-white version. Whether we will want to call the new updated version ‘America’ at all is another question entirely."
Now in a post claiming "Many Immigration Patriots Poised To Win House Races," VDARE.com champions Minnick as an "immigration patriot," proclaiming Idaho's 1st District race "one of the most important races" to watch.
Republicans are not always the strongest immigration patriots. In Idaho, incumbent Democrat Walt Minnick has a pretty good record on immigration co-sponsoring the SAVE Act and expanded E-Verify. When given Numbers USA’s survey, he answered in favor of reducing legal and illegal immigration (though not favoring ending birthright citizenship.)
In fact, of course, there is a glaring “obvious reason” why Minnick decided to be a patriot. White Idahoans still make up over 91% of the population of Minnick’s district. They never voted to make their days as a “lily white enclave finished”. And they are not keen on attorneys who helped bring forth these unwanted changes.
Walt Minnick "decided to be a patriot." That's what they think. To them, racism is patriotic and even they see Minnick as playing to the fears of "white Idahoans."
That isn't patriotism. It's pathetic.
Update 10.31.10, 12:10: Minnick has won the endorsement of another racist group.
From Imagine 2050 [emphasis added]:
Earlier this week, Brian Griffin aka “Hunter Wallace,” writer for the overtly white supremacist website Occidental Dissent, put out his own list of endorsements. Over 130 candidates are on his list, and all are running on an anti-immigrant platform and have received the “true reformer” seal of approval from NumbersUSA. Wallace, in his article, directs his readership back to NumbersUSA’s report cards. NumbersUSA is part of an array of anti-immigrant groups founded or funded by John Tanton, a white nationalist who has single-handedly orchestrated the anti-immigrant movement in the U.S. Also part of the Tanton Network are Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) among others.
A sampling of the candidates endorsed by Hunter Wallace includes Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Sue Myrick (R-NC), John Boozman (R-AR), Tom Tancredo (Constitution – CO), Gene Taylor (D-MS), and Walt Minnick (D-ID).
The post goes on to quote Wallace:
“I will flatly state that immigration is by far the most important issue facing the White Nationalist community. In the long run, changing racial demographics will determine the electoral context in which every other issue is decided, and ultimately the fate of our race on this continent.”
Nice. This is your Democratic congressman, Idaho.
"Skidding to a loss," indeed.