The "experts" have spoken and disagree that Minnick's negative ads affected the outcome of the 1st Congressional District race. Citing only internal polls showing "the ads had great effect," the "experts" say Minnick did what he had to do to give himself a chance to win. A great effect on what and on whom, as the thirty-point underdog laughs all the way to Washington. That's hilarious, but not in a good way.
Here are a few questions the "experts" don't answer. Last cycle (2008) Walt picked up 45% of the vote in Canyon County; this cycle only 36%. Making up 22.2% of the population, how did Walt's ads affect the Hispanic vote in Canyon County? How about the other heavily Hispanic populations in Owyhee, Payette and Washington counties? Did Hispanic voters turn out at all? If so, how many turned out for Labrador? Of those, how many did so because of Minnick's ads?
Here's a thought. As Idaho Democrats, instead of crawling home licking our wounds wondering what in the hell happened, how about we invest in some actual exit polling so we have some idea what did actually happen. The guessing game doesn't appear to be working so well for us. Neither did the "we'll disguise ourselves as Republicans" game.
Getting Hispanics interested and registered has been the holy grail for Idaho Democrats for a long time. But they never seem to be able to get the resources necessary to accomplish the task. Considering Walt's sizable war chest, he could have done Democrats a turn by focusing some of it on that endeavor. And while hindsight is 20/20, what did he have to lose?
Posted by: Sisyphus | November 07, 2010 at 09:36 AM
Good point, it was an obscenely huge war chest. Also, did Walt end up helping any down-ballot Democrats at all? Last time I looked at the FEC reports he hadn't.
Posted by: MountainGoat | November 09, 2010 at 08:17 AM