The poor economy is taking a toll on Idahoans in many ways.
From the Idaho Press-Tribune, [emphasis added]:
Reported suicides in Idaho shot up by 22 percent from 2008 to 2009, according to figures compiled last month by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. And the chairperson of the Idaho Governor’s Council on Suicide Prevention said those numbers could get worse. The increase in suicides in Idaho in 2009 (307) from 2008 (251) marked at least the second year in a row reported suicides went up in the state.
The poor economy is a factor, Governor’s Council on Suicide Prevention chairperson Kathie Garrett said.
Idaho has consistently ranked high for suicides nationally and is the only state in the country without its own suicide prevention hotline.
The article goes on to note that calls from Idaho to a national suicide prevention line increased 61 percent from 2008 to 2009 but its operators lack knowledge of local resources available to callers. A recent Idaho State University study showed that an Idaho hotline could be run for about $100,000 a year, incidentally the same one year amount allocated by the Idaho Health Freedom Act to sue the federal government over health care reform.
Garrett went on to tell the IPT about the substantial suicide increase, "We can’t put our finger directly and say this is the one cause, but we do know we are seeing an increase because of the economy. Unemployment is a stressor, home foreclosure is a stressor. The citizens are really hurting."
Indeed...and hopefully they're not too small to matter.