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Julie in Boise

No doubt about it: the Idaho Dems have hit a home run with this one.


I wonder if he'll say "Screw them."

Idaho Democrats should be grabbing the wide open center if they want to win, not playing to the far left as represented by Kos. Just MHO.


Well, yeah, "Screw Them". Until Bush came along, being a mercenary was a dirty word. Yesterday's news of Blackwaters use of CS gas on U.S. Army units illustrates that point rather well. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/10/world/middleeast/10blackwater.html After 7 years of Republican high crimes and misdemenors maybe a sharp swing to the left is what is needed to straighten out the country. Idaho will vote Republican in the next election, nothing can be done about their super majority in this state. Hopefully, the rest of the country will wake up and engage their brains and vote the GOP back to the ashheap of history where they so richly deserve to be. I for one will welcome Markos' visit to Boise.


This is great MoJo for Idaho


You know Bubbles you crossed a line here with me, pimping that old article like a troll. Either you watch too much Bill O'Reilly or you just don't know jack about what Kos stands for. Or both I guess. Why would you dis a fellow vet like that? And you're both Grant supporters.

Kos has been a strong advocate of the rise of Democrats in the West through a combination of strong advocacy of progressive policies and libertarian notions of decreased government intrusion into our private lives including the assertion of the second amendment. Progressive policies are popular politics as David Sirota extolled when he was here and it was that very thing that elected Governor Schweitzer and Senator Tester in neighboring Montana. Indeed Kos thinks western Dems are the future of the national party. I agree.

The future of our party lies not in acting more like Republicans but in not being afraid to stand up for what's correct and to quit listening to the media pundits and disinformation sources as some sort of conventional wisdom when it belies common sense.


Actually, I don't watch Bill O'Reilly at all (is he on Fox News? I pretty much watch Comedy Central, CNN and MSNBC for my TV news). As far as not agreeing with Zuniga's positions just because he's a veteran, he sure wasn't very nice to veterans like Scott Helvenston ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Helvenston ), who it turns out was getting screwed over already by his employer. I can respect the front-line guys who work over in Iraq without liking their company.

You believe that Idaho Democrats will win elections by being more like Kos. I disagree strongly, and think inviting Zuniga will do the party more harm than good. So far, my predictions of what will happen in pretty much everything political have been better than just about any other Idaho political blogger. (I admit I didn't see the Dems taking the Senate in '06, but I accurately predicted what the Dem-controlled House would get accomplished.)

And on this blog, I'll let MG decide if I'm being trollish.

Julie in Boise


The one thing you forget is that Dems never march in lock step with anyone. So it's not like we're all going to agree with everything Kos says.

You know I'm a much more Kumbayah Dem than some others, but I still dig Kos, appreciate the platform he's built (which has a HUGE diversity of thought, BTW), and am thrilled to see we have enough "pull" to get him here in Idaho.


No I think Idaho Democrats will win by being more like Schweitzer and Tester. So does Kos. And if it wasn't for the Kossacks we wouldn't have taken the senate in '06 since they were highly influential in the very close elections of Webb and Tester. Those were races that the inside the beltway Dems had all but written off. We need a little engine that could.

Your going to have to pony up on why Kos is ultra-left cause I don't see it. The label doesn't make it so. Just another tool of the Republican noise machine.


And puh-leeze. Even Republicans predicted losing the House in '06.


Bubblehead: "So far, my predictions of what will happen in pretty much everything political have been better than just about any other Idaho political blogger."

Cough, cough, ahem. (click my name for link)

Let's not get ahead of ourselves now. I think I walked away with a RSR bumper sticker that day.

If I remember correctly you also brought up your "screw them" comment that day was well (@ Bardenay) and you were wrong about Larry Grant accepting ActBlue money from Kossacks.

I'll go ahead and stop you before you say it -- Although Grant lost to Sali, it wasn't because he took money from the Netroots. If you think that then you might want to rethink what you know about Idaho politics.

Seeing how "screw them" is what you brought up then, and now, I'm assuming that's all you have against Markos?


And it's pretty disingenuous to be bring up Scott Helvenston. Scott knew exactly what he was doing and wouldn't want pity from anyone.

If you're going to bring up Helvenston I think you might want to dig a little deeper and look at the reasons why he became a contractor in Iraq.


Damn, Chris. Your memory is as good as your foresight. Bubbles wasn't even close. But I'm just as guilty in projecting on my predictions.

Bubbles one mistake does not a demon make. Bone up on Kos before you dismiss him. So far you've done nothing more than label him with nothing to back it up.


Well okay all, here are my thoughts on Kos and his coming to Idaho.

1) Everyone who has ever put on a uniform holds a certain amount of respect in my eyes--a brotherhood/sisterhood kind of thing. Kos earned the right to be critical of the actions of any former member of that brotherhood. Sometimes "supporting the troops" means telling the truth as you see it. That doesn't mean that I have to agree with the actions or statements of every veteran, but I'm not going to criticize them for doing or saying it.

2) Kos' coming to Idaho represents an opportunity to energize and invigorate the base of the Idaho Democratic Party. He isn't going to appeal to conservatives (isn't that part of the point, though?) but his message will resonate with many who have felt that their government doesn't represent them. In the end, whether or not you agree with the positions he's taken isn't the point. The point is that he's learned how to get others to hear you and ultimately that is what's important about his visit.


OK, I looked through the Kos website a little more, and I will admit that none of the various "9/11 Truth" and "Rove Hacked the Voting Machine" posts were written by Kos himself; in fact, he has a post up now making fun of the NH primary hacker conspiracy theorists. Also, I have met, and like, mcjoan. That being said, I don't think having Kos come here will be a public relations coup, and let's face it -- if the Dem base isn't already "energized" by the upcoming elections, they're not going to get energized by one speech.

I admit to having been a little off in the prediction contest Chris pulled out of the memory hole (I hadn't yet realized how ridiculous the voting pattern of Idaho Republicans could be at that point), but I have been right about what Congress was able to get accomplished this year.


Well Bubblehead, you can try and throw a wet blanket on this all you want, but the energy and momentum Dems are going to get isn't just about Kos' "one speech." The whole invite signals that there is something exciting going on in the Idaho Democratic Party and more and more people are seeing it.

I think the important thing to get from the DailyKos community and why it's such a popular and influential site, is that it's about giving people a voice, not telling them what to say.


This sounds bad, but when I heard "Markos", I had to do a google search to see which website he was connected to. Yep, I'm not a kos reader. I find the layout confusing and the website hard to navigate, but I certainly appreciate what it has done and what it is for Democrats.

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Quotes For 2010

  • "The main thing is to keep everybody going down that road as we try to find the answers and solutions to all these problems. It'll be fun! We'll get it done." — Majority Leader Mike Moyle (R-Star) when asked in an Idaho Reports broadcast how the State House will handle making tough budget decisions this year, 1.29.10.

Quotes For 2009

  • "[Some politicians] wouldn't recognize the Constitution if it fell in their laps and called them Daddy." — Rep. Lenore Hardy Barrett (R-Challis) at a tea party tax protest.
  • "Just, you know, putting beans on the table." — former Congressman Bill Sali (R-ID-01) when asked by Nate Shelman (670 KBOI) what he's doing these days.
  • "I said yesterday we hope and pray things will get better before they get worse. It's obvious to me some of you need to do a better job of praying." — Sen. Dean Cameron (R-Rupert), Joint Finance-Appropriation Committee co-chair on the grim economic forecast facing the committee.
  • “We’ve been called a lot of things but we’ve never been called sneaks before.” — Rep. Maxine Bell (R-Jerome) in a budget dispute with the governor's staff over legislators' computer funding.
  • "I’m not wearing rose-tinted glasses. But I am a glass-half-full kind of guy." — Gov. C. L. "Butch" Otter attempting to remain optimistic while delivering tough economic news in his State of the State/Budget message.

Quotes For 2008

  • "I am not ashamed that we use a lot of energy in this country. It has made us the most prosperous Nation on the face of the planet. ... Using energy makes us prosperous." — Congressman Bill Sali (R-ID-01) during debate on an energy bill that, among other things, invested in alternative and renewable energy sources and repealed tax subsidies for large oil companies. (H.R.6899)
  • "If [Oversight Committee Chairman] Henry Waxman was interested in doing more than just showboat, we'd be there in a heartbeat. It's political grandstanding." — spokesman Wayne Hoffman explaining why Congressman Bill Sali (R-ID-01) was absent from congressional oversight hearings into the financial crisis where, among other things, it was learned that AIG executives indulged in a lavish retreat a week after the bailout.
  • "You know what, campaigns are fast and furious, I accept responsibility that we don't have the right citation there, but the facts I stand by - we are correct about that." — Congressman Bill Sali (R-ID-01) reacting to a campaign commercial fact-checking report.
  • "There are people out there without health care, and we need to address that, but it's not as big of a problem as some people would make it out to be" — Congressman Bill Sali (R-ID-01) in a Lewiston, ID debate
  • "People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." — President Bill Clinton in a speech at the 2008 DNC
  • "To my supporters, to my champions, to my sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits, from the bottom of my heart, thank you." — Senator Hillary Clinton in a speech at the 2008 DNC
  • "The America that we know, that the founding fathers envisioned, will cease to exist." — Congressman Bill Sali (R-ID-01) speaking at the state GOP convention about the possibility of a Democratically controlled White House and Congress.
  • "Sometimes the problems have to get larger before you can solve them. We can still drive around the potholes, so they must not be big enough." — House Speaker Lawerence Denney (R-Midvale), explaining that lawmakers still need to be convinced about the extent of road maintenance problems before they'll agree to tax or fee increases.
  • "Those people that believe in shooting animals through the fences . . . ought to turn the rifle the other way." — Former Governor Cecil Andrus, at sportsmen's rally, decked out in full camouflage, urging opposition to "shooter bull" operations on domestic elk farms.
  • "GARVEE is like swallowing a raw egg - it seems to be one of those things that's really hard to stop in the middle of." — Rep. Marv Hagedorn (R-Meridian), in comments on a package of transportation bills introduced by House GOP leaders at an emergency committee meeting.
  • "I'm a professional dairyman. I have milked and milked everything I can possibly milk." — State Police Maj. Ralph Powell, arguing that the state crime lab's bare-bones operation has reached its limit and now costs the state money as testing is sent to private labs.
  • "Idaho is ranked last in the nation in protecting the safety of children in day care centers." — Sen. Kate Kelly (D-Boise), in support of an unsuccessful move by Senate Democrats to force a daycare standards bill out of committee.
  • "This [anti-discrimination bill] is something we will propose every year until it passes." — Rep. Nicole LeFavour (D-Boise), responding to the latest BSU Public Policy survey in which 63 percent of Idahoans think it ought to be illegal to fire someone for being gay or seeming to be gay.
  • "I assumed it would be a bunch of radical college students, so to fit the part, I grew a goatee, got a revolutionary T-shirt and put on some ratty jeans." — Rep. Curtis Bowers (R-Caldwell) in an Idaho Press-Tribune opinion explaining how he disguised himself to uncover alleged communist plots.

Quotes For 2007

  • "Divorce is just terrible. It's one of Satan's best tools to kill America." — Rep. Dick Harwood (R-St. Maries) describing the work of the Idaho Legislature's Family Task Force.
  • "I am not gay; I never have been gay." Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) in a statement responding to news of his arrest and subsequent guilty plea to disorderly conduct after an incident in an airport men's room.
  • “Most of the hospitals in this country have Christian names. If you think Hindu prayer is great, where are the Hindu hospitals in this country? Go down the list. Where are the atheist hospitals in this country? They’re not equal.” — Rep. Bill Sali (R-ID-01) to the Idaho Press-Tribune editorial board in response to criticism of his views regarding Hindu prayer in the Senate.
  • "We are all Nintendo warriors today. Remember that game, that electronic game, a few years ago, push buttons zim, zam, boom and it was all over with? That is not the way you fight war, although we as a society have grown to believe that." — Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) during debate on an amendment to a bill providing for defense authorization.
  • "While we are Democrats and Republicans, in our hearts we are all Idahoans." — Sen. Clint Stennett (D-Ketchum), reaching out to Republicans while outlining the Democratic agenda for the 2007 legislative session.
  • "One of the hardest things we've had to do here is taking off our party hats." — Rep. Marv Hagedorn (R-Meridian) on a proposal to restrict Idaho's primary elections.
  • "This is outrageous. The people of Idaho are entitled to have their representatives base their votes on the merits of a bill, not on who backed the loser in a speaker's contest." — Former GOP Gov. Phil Batt responding to accusations of political retribution taken by House Speaker Denney (R-Midvale) on other members.
  • “There was one of those six projects that was removed altogether. Why? Because the senator and the representatives from that district were from the wrong political party. We need to take a step back" — Sen. Dean Cameron (R-Rupert) to the Senate when debating the GARVEE bill.
  • "I'm prepared to bid for that first ticket to shoot a wolf myself." — Gov. Butch Otter, speaking to a hunters' rally at the Statehouse.
  • "To get a kick out of smoking industrial hemp, it would take a cigar the size of a telephone pole." — Rep. Tom Trail (R-Moscow), downplaying the relation between hemp and its cousin marijuana
  • "I guess I would just make a plea saying we need the money. You know we need the money on roads." — Rep. JoAn Wood (R-Rigby), on proposed bill to collect gas tax from sales on Indian reservations.
  • "No one wants to carry the canoe bill." — Rep. Eric Anderson (R-Priest River), agreeing with Gov. Otter that non-motorized boats should also pay registration fees, but noting any such proposal will be a tough sell.
  • "I don't think we should let the threat of a lawsuit force us to implement something that's not well thought out." — Abbie Mace, Fremont County Clerk, testifying against a "modified-closed primary" bill being pushed by GOP leaders.
  • "There's a lot of things that I pointed out in my State of the State (address) that haven't passed. Unfortunately, I can't think of one that has." — Gov. Butch Otter, addressing reporters on the legislative session so far.
  • "I say let's have a hearing and take our clothes off and go after it." — Rep. Jim Clark, R-Hayden Lake, trying to get lawmakers to print his bill.
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