The Twin-Falls Times News has weighed in on the recent controversial comments made by Idaho 1st District Congressman Bill Sali, despite the service area of the paper residing squarely in the 2nd District. [Hat tip: We have failed our duty as citizens...]
From the Times-News editorial, "No more colorful Idaho congressmen, please"
Idaho has a long and colorful history of sending embarrassing people to Washington, D.C. The latest, of course, is Idaho's irrepressible 1st District congressman, Bill Sali, who who offended when a Hindu prayer was offered on the floor of the U.S. Senate last month. [...]
Idaho voters get such interesting representation in Washington because we tend to elect conservatives - and sometimes ideologues. But being an ideologue is one thing; rendering yourself completely ineffective at getting things done for your state is quite another.
Sali, a first-term member of the minority party in the House of Representatives from a small Western state, arguably has become the least-effective congressman in Washington, D.C., today. And he talked himself into it.
That's too bad: We Idahoans have real issues that can't be solved by Capitol Hill sideshows.
Bubblehead has a very interseting dialogue going here:
Posted by: Sisyphus | August 17, 2007 at 02:36 PM
Yeah, I blogged about that yesterday. He has a good eye for detail.
Posted by: MountainGoat | August 17, 2007 at 03:31 PM
Sorry my bad.
Posted by: Sisyphus | August 20, 2007 at 10:57 AM