One more no vote last week from Idaho's First District Congressman Bill Sali, this time on a bill that would authorize funds to provide assistance to the victims of torture. The bill had 30 co-sponsors and passed with Congressman Sali and only six others voting no.
HR 1678 Torture Victims Relief Reauthorization Act of 2007 — To amend the Torture Victims Relief Act of 1998 to authorize appropriations to provide assistance for domestic and foreign programs and centers for the treatment of victims of torture, and for other purposes.
Votes Database
Congressman Sali — No
Congressman Simpson — Yes
Republican Position — Yes
Democratic Position — Yes
Result — Passed 418-7
The bill would authorize appropriations for FY2008-FY2009 to:
- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide grants to programs in the United States to cover the costs of services provided by domestic treatment centers in the rehabilitation of victims of torture (including treatment of the physical and psychological effects of torture), social and legal services, and research and training of health care providers outside of treatment centers or programs to enable them to provide such services.
- The President for grants to treatment centers and programs in foreign countries that carry out projects and activities specifically designed to treat victims of torture for the physical and psychological effects of torture.
- The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture.
No word from Congressman Sali or his website on the reason for the vote.
Update 04.30.07 13:11: In an apparent attempt to defend Congressman Sali's vote on this bill, a Congressman Sali supporter has made some interesting statements. Randy Stapilus at Ridenbaugh Press has the story and links.
Update 05.04.07 08:51: Idaho Statesman's Kevin Richert has a Sali spokesman response on his blog.
I'm noticing he's voting with nutcase Ron Paul most of the time. I guess we know who Mr. Sali will be supporting for President...
Posted by: Bubblehead | April 29, 2007 at 10:38 PM
You whiny socialists are just mad that Congressman Sali is standing up to Pelosi like he said he would. Bill Sali understands that it's not like people just go around torturing people for fun; people who get tortured probably did something to make people mad at them, so they need to learn that their choices bring consequences (instead of getting a government handout).
Posted by: Bill Sali Fan | April 30, 2007 at 05:57 AM
BS Fan, you are right. Everyone who has been tortured deserved it. All those pesky revolutionaries in the late 1700's probably got theirs because they just couldn't stfu. The 6 million who died in the Holocaust, well, hey they were jews so no big deal right? Perhaps those former soviet citizens in the gulag they needed the electroshock treatments anyway since they were classified as "mental defectives". Not to mention there is not one innocent man in GITMO. Nope, every single one is GUILTY so we can torture the heck out of them. Even the poor schmuck who ended up there for wearing a casio watch. Since those watches are the favorite time piece of true Al-Queda members in Afghanistan. Abu Gharib? They were all guilty too. The thing about torture is that the information is usually not reliable as the torturee is usually gonna say whatever the torturer is wanting to hear. Your argument says that the government is always right and citizens have to just do what "big brother" says.
Posted by: Mark | April 30, 2007 at 06:29 AM
Whew BS Fan, sure am glad you cleared that up for us; Bill Sali thinks that people who have been tortured did something to deserve it. Why don't you spread that message far and wide; I'm sure the Congressman would appreciate it.
Posted by: MountainGoat | April 30, 2007 at 08:14 AM
Yeah Bubblehead, it looks like Sali is becoming Ron Paul's mini-me. Maybe he'd like to run for vice-pres.
Posted by: MountainGoat | April 30, 2007 at 08:24 AM
$12 million to the U.N. Who allows some of the worst human rights offenders to be on its Security Council and its Human Rights Council? $12 million of your money? And my money? I would hope my Rep wouldn't vote for that!
Posted by: Gunny | April 30, 2007 at 01:36 PM
The sponsor of the bill, Christopher Smith a Republican from New Jersey, had a press release regarding the bill on his website (click my name for the link.) Here's what the release said about the UN Fund:
"[The UN Voluntary Fund for the Victims of Torture] supports nearly 200 treatment centers spanning 70 different countries, providing services to about 80,000 torture survivors."
“In addition to providing direct services to torture survivors, their families and their communities, these centers are champions in the worldwide fight to end torture. Their work is one part humanitarian, one part advocacy and their mission is vital to promoting democracy and rule of law around the globe,” Smith said."
Well Gunny, you're right. Sounds like a horrible waste of money. [snark]
Posted by: MountainGoat | April 30, 2007 at 03:49 PM
If you think just because it's said, that it's so, I'm afraid you're a bit more naive about the U.N. than I would've hoped. Ever heard of the Oil for Food programme? That sounded pretty good too. If you were willing to throw taxpayer dollars at every single thing that sounded good, you'd probably have a trillion dollar deficit...oh wait...
Posted by: Gunny | May 01, 2007 at 11:27 AM
Yeah I agree, the Oil for Food program was a bust to put it mildly but I don't carry a fatalistic view of the entire UN because of it. There are some good programs and this is one of them as an overwhelming majority of the House agreed.
Posted by: MountainGoat | May 01, 2007 at 03:42 PM